New Music:-Tongues On Fire- K-Medley (@kmedley__ @kk_medley)

K-Medley is a dynamic Worshipper, song writer and a Voice coach Sequel to his first Single “YOU ARE GOD” is here with another piece TONGUES ON FIRE🔥 (spontaneous worship) by K-Medley not just a song,but a message to the church in reference of what happened in Act 2:1-13.
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After His resurrection the Lord bade his disciples to tarry in Jerusalem until he should fulfill to them the promise of the father,and they should be clothed with “POWER” from on high.
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ACT 1:8 repeats the same glorious promise with addition in particular ” BUT YE SHALL RECEIVE POWER,WHEN THE HOLY GHOST IS COME UPON YOU” This piece will not only bless you but also lift your heart in worship & create in you hunger for the Lord as you worship!!
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Social Media
Instagram @Kmedley__
Twitter @Kk_medley
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